Bid Process Management for 300/200/100 Mid Sea Water Desalination Plant At Minjur, Chennai, On Design, Build, Own, Operate And Transfer (DBOOT) Basis
Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board
Location: Chennai
The Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board (CMWSSB) wanted to construct a 200/100 Mid Seawater Desalination Plant at Minjur, Chennai on design, Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (DBOOT) basis, the first sea water desalination project in the Municipal Sector in the Indian Sub continent.
Evaluation of the bids in accordance with the principles and criteria of the bid documents, evaluation of the technical proposals of the bidders to implement the seawater desalination plant of 300/200/100 Mid capacity using their own technology.
Evaluation of the financial proposals, assist the CMWSSB during technical / financial negotiations, finalize the contract / documents for project execution with the selected bidder and finalize the Bulk Water Purchase Agreement with the bidder.